Spiritual Healing Session

I offer Spiritual Healing Sessions in both English and German language.

Our conversations are confidential.

Discovering the Treasures in You

My sessions are a source of self-awareness, connection, and healing. When we work together, I focus on giving you the attention you so much deserve and support you in finding and choosing the path that fills you with inner peace and deepest satisfaction. I help you connect with your inner vitality, aliveness, joy, and the source of your creativity - which is an expression of your divine energy within you - so you can develop what you wish to establish in your life.

Solving the issues at their roots
In my sessions, we get to the bottom of things and tackle the issues at their roots so as to achieve long-term improvements. I help you recognise your resources, as well as understand the superordinate connections in your life which will let you see more of the bigger picture. As you begin to understand yourself in the context of your life, the signposts ahead will become clearer and clearer. This provides stability and safety when navigating through your life.

Resolving trauma & creating healthy relationships
I also support you to find access to your inner wisdom so that you can get to know yourself on an even deeper level. A person who knows himself can make decisions. A person who has access to their inner wisdom will live a life in alignment with their higher self and no longer act predominantly from their conditioned self, leading to very different outcomes and living in alignment with their true values, needs, principles, and goals. Within this process, I support you in resolving traumas that prevent you from truly arriving here on earth and connect with your emotions, values and needs. This helps you to create healthy, warm, safe, secure and trustful relationships with yourself and with others and be able to settle into your body, and fully embrace and engage with life. We also work to identify coping mechanisms and change old patterns of thinking, feeling and doing that no longer serve you.

Going on a research expedition
Our work is life-affirming. Imagine going on a research expedition with me. If something is not quite what you want it to be and you are facing difficult or challenging situations, we use what you are currently experiencing as a source of information to develop your goals, and empower you to achieve what you want and live a life that is truly fulfilling and satisfying for you. The way we work is clear, structured and to the point. This clarity allows you to see your options, choose from them, and use your awareness to move forward by taking active steps in the direction of what you truly want. I will make these steps doable for you.

It is turning a learning process into a love process as I follow each note in your songs and respond to them while you feel my hand on your back. You can relax with your fears, simply be yourself and let go of any need to perform.

Receiving guidance
I am in constant contact with my Higher-Self and work entirely out of this connection as well as my strong connection with the Angelic and Spiritual Realms. Therefore, what I say in my sessions does not come from the space of any limited human, psychological self and has nothing to do with any personal opinion, but reflects a higher level of consciousness bringing forward guidance and insights regarding your next steps and your goal. 

How I work

I create an energetically and emotionally clean, safe, loving, and honouring space; the latter I require to be based on reciprocity. I consider it one of my strong qualities that I can unconditionally be with any pain and any vulnerabilities that arise. As things unravel within you, I open up and embrace and unshakeably hold the space for whatever truth that wants to show itself. Simultaneously, I serve as a mirror to you and as you see yourself in me and recognise things in yourself, we meet in this incredible space: “I am not alone.” And by staying connected with each other in this setting - with both being equally present in the room -, we achieve deep and true intimacy. Unconditionally being with each other, no matter what, is one of the strongest emotional human needs and transformational experiences.

A client once described our work together as follows: 

"Christine and I didn't know each other at first, and yet I’ve rarely felt so SEEN by people than I have with Christine. She recognised who I am and my dilemma very quickly and accurately. Christine didn’t try to show me where to go. She instead powerfully stepped down into my dark cave and joined me there holding my hand. She showed so much appreciation and compassion towards me that it still touches my heart today. ... Christine was a bright light to me in dark times leading me with her clarity and wisdom. Not to be forgotten, Christine’s humour and laughter are highly infectious!

For me, Christine is a bright star and I really appreciate her work here on earth. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, wonderful soul :-)"

The following main sources of expertise, theory, and experience flow together in my work: Transactional Analysis (TA), Shadow Work, Method of Self-Contact, Energetic Therapeutic Work, Mediumship, Healing Power of Music, Meditation Practise, and my own Life Experience. When we work together, I don't follow a specific method or a ready-made concept, but listen to you and perceive you and see what is helpful for you whilst examining life's inner and outer experiences with you. 

I take my work very seriously and at the same time I love inviting a pinch of humour into any challenging process bringing that bit of ease which allows you to relax and develop: it is to laugh and at the same time be deeply touched whilst transforming emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain. 

This is the Space for You

I am glad to be present with you in any life situation and create a safe space for you. I hold the space and am strong and solid and stable with you whilst we follow the path of self-inquiry and consciousness investigating the inner and outer experiences of life.

If you decide to work with me, and in order to be able to get to the bottom of things and tackle the root causes of conflict to achieve long-term improvement, it requires some work on your part: willingness, curiosity, honesty and openness for being guided inward, through the uncomfortable truths and shadows, in order to get beyond your suffering and towards truth, authenticity, freedom, and joy. 

Making an appointment

I work online. To schedule an appointment, please select the time you want to meet from my appointment calendar (https://cr-coaching.com/your-meeting). 

You will then receive an email with the Zoom link to your meeting and the bank details required for your transfer. Please pay prior to your appointment. Your booking is only then considered complete after receipt of payment. You can make your payment either via bank transfer or using PayPal. 



I offer 50-minute sessions at 90€ per session.


Please book your appointment by clicking the button below.

In any other case, you can email me at



What they say

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

During each of my sessions you precisely identified the critical issues with great sensitivity and intuition, and you do this in an incredibly strengthening way. During last week's session you dropped a sentence that helped me so much in that very moment, and this was a real catalyst for a whole series of boosts in my development in the days and weeks that followed.
You do that incredibly well - and I see that as one of your strengths - saying the right thing at the right moment and simply hitting the point! I felt absolutely empowered after we had talked and for the first (!!) time in my life I dared to speak up and pronounce certain sentences clearly and distinctly in front of other people. Also other, very subtle remarks you made throughout or work were pathbreaking. Your impulses bring about an enormous transformation to my life and it is like an act of liberation that is happening to me!

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

You really have an incredible ability and huge intuition for healing processes in general, and also for releasing blockages.
I am really grateful to you for the many impulses you give me and for the incredibly personal support! I can only recommend working with Christine to everyone. It is doing healing work with her in a very pleasant atmosphere and I never felt as if I was being forced to do anything. I am really grateful for all the impulses - including the daily impulses on her Telegram channel.

It's a real gift that you take the time to share and let others participate in your experiences. Thanks so much for this!

Melanie H. 🇩🇪 // Musician
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

When I first discovered Christine online, she immediately captivated me and I knew I wanted to work with her.

After a detailed, very affectionate orientation talk (I should mention that it was completely free of charge!) it quickly became clear to me that a Soul Reading was the supportive next step for me to take. Since I was only making slow progress in some areas of my life, it seemed sensible to me to question my soul and higher self at this stage of my life.

When I received the Soul Reading from Christine, I was more than positively surprised, not to say, I was simply flabbergasted. Firstly, no single question remained unanswered and secondly, I never expected such a detailed, extremely helpful result. Not only were my life questions answered in great detail, but also several very helpful exercises were being provided that I could do to enhance the connection to myself and so much more.

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Due to the great result and the extremely likeable personality of Christine, I decided to book coachings with her in order to delve deeper into my issues and resolve them.
In this context, too, there were ALWAYS great successes. Literally after each single session I could perceive, how much I had moved forward again.
I have a lot of experience with coaches and I have never felt so understood and safe and secure as I do with Christine.

My life has greatly improved since working with Christine. Her professionalism and her pronounced empathy fills me with the deepest gratitude.

Andrea C.U. 🇦🇹 // Investor
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Dear Christine 🌸,
Thank you so much for your wonderful Soul Reading and Coaching, as well as for your patience, time, warmth of heart, and support.....💖
In my life, many things were happening and I just felt that it's time for clarity (which I definitely gained through your reading). I am not sure whether I would have figured things out all by myself and without this Soul Reading and whether I would have understood that the original conflict was due to karmic connections. I am also not sure whether I could have handled the issues so well without your support. It was a hard and strenuous time for me and it's still not quite over yet, but I know that it's worth it, since I can now let go of so many infinitely heavy old burdens. And I am quite determined that I don't want to take this crap with me into any next life 😁, and now I have the best chance of solving it. Thank you very much for everything 🙏 dear Christine ❤️

Britta 🇩🇪 // Dental Specialist
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Christine is absolutely clear, points at the issues so precisely and literally hits the nail on the head!

It's a thorough joy working together with her and I have made tremendous improvements since and am further developing at lightning speed. She acts as a catalyst. What a joy! 

Caroline C. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 // Translator
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Wenn ich an Christine denke, so kommt mir zuerst ihr herzliches überbordendes Lachen in den Sinn, dann ihre funkelnden Strahleaugen und ihre Leichtigkeit, die im Kontakt mit ihr zu mir überschwappt.
Die Offenheit, mit der sie mir begegnet, öffnet mich und gibt mir das Gefühl, dass alles möglich ist, für mich in dieser Welt.
In der Arbeit mit Christine tun sich stets neue Blickwinkel auf mein Leben auf und am Ende eines Coachings habe ich oft das Gefühl von innerer Klarheit, ob es nun um Themen wie Beruf, Familie, Partnerschaft oder persönliches Wachstum geht.
Bei ihrem Tun schöpft sie offensichtlich aus eigenen vielfältigen Erfahrungen, teilt ihre breitgefächerten Erkenntnisse aus verschiedensten Richtungen mit mir und mir scheint, sie steht bei alldem in Verbindung mit der Urquelle unseres Daseins. Dabei agiert sie ganz konkret und situationsspezifisch.

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Bildlich möchte ich ihr Wirken so beschreiben:
Wenn ich ein Haus wäre, einfach ausgestattet, mit Möbeln und ein paar notwendigen Lichtquellen, und Christine ist zu mir auf Besuch, so stünden nach ihrem Besuch die großen Fenster offen um Licht hereinzulassen, mir würden gewisse Schnitzereien in den Möbeln, die zuvor schon da waren, zum ersten Mal auffallen und ich würde sie schön finden. Vielleicht wären einige Möbel verrückt. Zudem wären ein paar Räume sichtbar geworden, die ehemals noch unzugänglich waren. Das Haus wäre auf natürliche Weise wärmer und erhellt.
Ich würde beschließen, noch viel öfter Gäste wie sie zu empfangen.

Abschließend lässt sich sagen: Christine kommt und ihr LICHT bleibt.

Constanze 🇮🇹 // Cultural Educator
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Das Seelenreading und das Coaching bei Christine ist schon einige Monate her. Und dennoch wirkt es immer noch nach. Christine hat mich in einer für mich sehr dunklen Zeit begleitet und dafür bin ich ihr unendlich dankbar. Wir kannten uns nicht und doch habe ich mich selten so gesehen gefühlt wie von ihr. Sie hat mich und mein Dilemma sehr schnell und präzise erkannt und hat auch nicht versucht mir zu zeigen, wo es langgeht, sondern sie ist in meine dunkle Höhle mit hinabgestiegen und hat mir die Hand gehalten. So viel Wertschätzung und Mitgefühl hat sie mir entgegengebracht, so dass es heute noch mein Herz berührt.

Sie hat sich auch bedingungslos Zeit für mich genommen und mir Fragen beantwortet und hat dabei trotzdem behutsam ihre eigenen Grenzen gesetzt. Mit ihrer Klarheit und Weisheit war sie mir ein helles Licht in düsterer Zeit. 

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Viele Bilder aus dem Seelenreading sind mir Wochen später tatsächlich begegnet und mir ist auch viel klarer geworden was sich meine Seele wünscht. Mittlerweile kann ich sagen, dass ich viel mehr und öfter mit meiner Seele in Kontakt bin und wir geniessen es sehr :-)

Und Christines Humor und ihr Lachen ist grossartig und hochgradig ansteckend. 

Christine ist für mich ein ganz heller Stern und ich schätze ihre Arbeit und ihr Wirken hier auf Erden sehr. DANKE, DANKE, DANKE du wunderbare Seele :-)

Kerstin M. 🇩🇪 // Advertising Agent
Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Die Arbeit mit Christine, die auf die im Rahmen des Coachings auf die persönliche Weiterentwicklung und einen Erkenntnisprozess abzielt, erlebe ich als sehr anregend und aufschlussreich. Ihre analytischen Fähigkeiten und Kunst, die Dinge stets wertfrei und lebensbejahend zu ergründen, ihre Essenz herauszuschälen und in ein grösseres Ganzes einzuordnen, beeindrucken mich immer wieder aufs Neue. Neben einem vielgestaltigen Wissenskorpus – ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ich in dieser Hinsicht durch eine diplomierte Psychologin besser begleitet wäre – tut sich mir vor ihrem Erfahrungshintergrund manchmal das Bild eines mindesten hundertjährigen Lebens oder vielleicht verschiedener gelebter Leben auf.

Christine Rauh Channel Medium Coaching Seelen Reading Heilenergie Spirituell

Was ich in unserer Zusammenarbeit ebenfalls sehr zu schätzen weiss, ist der Umstand, dass ich mich – auch wenn ich manchmal etwas ratlos und ohne genau zu wissen, was ich eigentlich genau angehen will, also ohne präzise Fragestellung, in ein Gespräch hineingebe, was für die Referentin mitunter eine herausfordernde Ausgangslage ist –, stets geleitet und behutsam getragen fühle. Es fühlt sich beinahe so an, wie wenn ich mich in warme Wogen begeben, von den Bewegungen des Meeres tragen lassen und ein bisschen weiter unten am Strand mit einer graduell neuen Perspektive auf die Küste wieder
hinaussteigen würde. In diesem Sinne: Vielen Dank von Herzen für die Wegbegleitung!

Noémie 🇨🇭 // Social Worker 

Important notice:
A Spiritual Life Coaching can show you new perspectives and possibilities in life and support you in your personal and spiritual development.

Coaching does not substitute for medical advice, medication or a personal visit with a physician, alternative practitioner, psychotherapist or other health expert. In the case of physical illnesses, an organic cause should always be clarified beforehand. Serious psychological problems require psychotherapeutic treatment.